OJ-DA-RUI-20T-24M Remote User Interface for Use with OJ GEN II Drives

Specifically designed for energy renovation projects, this compact, user-friendly unit offers costeffective control for your ventilation system. You also get control and an intuitive touch-screen interface built into a single product.

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Remote User Interface for OJ-DV GEN II from OJ Electronics

OJ-DA-RUI-20T-24MPractical remote user interface

Intuitive menu
The easy-to-use menu enables monitoring of drive operations and gives easy access to a status overview, which includes speed, temperature, operation time and much more. The menu also provides access to a chosen set of parameters which allows for setup or adjustments of the most-used parameters.

Quick overview on home screen
The home screen allows users to get a quick overview of operating conditions, alarms or warnings. You can check:

• Status (Read only) – speed, supply, voltage, temperature

• Adv. read out (Read only) – configuration, I/O settings and more

• Settings (Read/Write) – listed by Application, Drive, User

• Alarms and warnings (Read/Reset)

Tested in demanding conditions
The interface has been tested in real-life situations and will handle being subjected to oils, greases, and other substances. It can also be operated using nitrile gloves and gloves with rubberized fingertips.

  • For use with OJ GEN II drives
  • 2” color touchscreen
  • Mounted separately on DIN rail or with four screws
  • Easy monitoring of status and operation
  • IP54

Two-factor start
To prevent unintended starts and stops of the motor, the screen is activated by first touching it, then sliding an on-screen bar.

Easier troubleshooting
The Remote User Interface makes it easy for service staff to identify the drive(s) that have issued a warning or an alarm – and the instant access to extensive information helps the problem to be easily identified and resolved.


Product Documents

Product Sheets
Product Sheet, Remote user interface, English
File type/size:PDF ( 105,03 kB )
Product Catalogue, HVAC Controls and Drives, 2024, English
File type/size:PDF ( 4,23 MB )
User Manuals
User Manual, OJ-DA-RUI-20T-24M, GB
File type/size:PDF ( 2,61 MB )
Remote User Interface for OJ-DV GEN II from OJ Electronics

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