{"id":4342,"date":"2022-01-10T10:47:09","date_gmt":"2022-01-10T09:47:09","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/ojelectronics.com\/hvac\/?p=4342"},"modified":"2024-04-16T10:00:39","modified_gmt":"2024-04-16T09:00:39","slug":"oj-greenzone-ventilation-system","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/ojelectronics.com\/hvac\/de\/news\/knowledge\/oj-greenzone-ventilation-system\/","title":{"rendered":"Ventilation specialists chose OJ GreenZone\u00ae for their own ventilation system"},"content":{"rendered":"When the Danish company Exodraft built its new headquarters in 2020, they chose an OJ GreenZone\u00ae<\/sup> solution to control their ventilation system. Users are very happy with their day-to-day working climate \u2013 and the people in charge of commissioning the system were impressed with how quickly the system could be set up.

The Danish-owned company Exodraft makes chimney fans and heat recovery solutions for private homes and large industrial plants, covering 35 countries from sales organisations in Germany, the UK, Norway and Sweden. Sharing its roots with renowned ventilation specialists EXHAUSTO, in 2011 Exodraft was separated out as an autonomous chimney draught division \u2013 and in 2021 the growing company moved to new headquarters. Says technical director Rene Mulvad:<\/p>\n

Exodraft needed a new HQ, it was only natural that we wanted a really good ventilation system \u2013 after all, ventilation has been our speciality ever since EXHAUSTO and Exodraft were a single company. So we were quite clear that we wanted something reliable and energy-efficient“.<\/strong><\/p>\n


OJ GreenZone\u00ae chosen for easy, simple regulation<\/h2>\n

The task of creating and commissioning the system was left in the hands of GK, one of Scandinavia\u2019s leading technical contractors and service partners. With 3,000 employees working out of 100 offices in three countries, GK\u2019s stated objective is to supply technical installations that deliver significant energy efficiency benefits in combination with optimum comfort for the relevant building\u2019s users. As Troels Lillie from GK explains:<\/p>\n

„“In the case of Exodraft, the solution chosen was a VEX 4000 ventilation system from EXHAUSTO \u2013 hardly surprising given the two companies\u2019 close connections. The VEX system is modular and very flexible, and the combination with OJ Electronics\u2019 OJ GreenZone\u00ae system was ideal for comfort ventilation for the office parts of the new headquarters. The client wanted a system that could be regulated to ensure employee and visitor comfort, but there was no need for a full central building management solution \u2013 OJ GreenZone\u00ae covered it all.“<\/strong><\/p>\n


Troels Lillie, GK Danmark A\/S, was pleasantly surprised to find that the entire OJ GreenZone\u00ae<\/sup> system could be commissioned in just 3.5 hours.<\/strong><\/p><\/blockquote>\n

Monitors temperature and CO2 levels<\/h2>\n

The system monitors temperature and air quality based on CO2 levels. The temperature can be adjusted by all users via the intuitive touch displays placed in the rooms, while changes to the CO2 level settings can only be done by operators \u2013 „it\u2019s easiest done via a computer,“ says Troels.<\/p>\n


Automatic configuration<\/h2>\n

The system uses an OJ GreenZone\u00ae<\/sup> module for each office, connected in series with Modbus. „Each master can handle 25 zones, and when you power them up, the zones start configuring themselves, assigning numbers from 1 to 25 and so on,“ explains Troels. „They essentially tell you what\u2019s been connected to them \u2013 in this case, they were sensors to monitor temperature and CO2 levels. The system uses VAV dampers to regulate air volumes, and as installers you save a lot of time on the preliminary set-up work because you don\u2019t need to go out and set up each damper. The system does that for you. Of course, you still need to tell the system whether they\u2019re set for intake or exhaust“.<\/p>\n
