{"id":2159,"date":"2019-01-23T06:48:16","date_gmt":"2019-01-23T06:48:16","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/ojelectronics.com\/hvac\/?p=2159"},"modified":"2024-04-30T09:16:12","modified_gmt":"2024-04-30T08:16:12","slug":"oj-greenzone-gets-btl-certification","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/ojelectronics.com\/hvac\/news\/oj-greenzone-gets-btl-certification\/","title":{"rendered":"OJ GreenZone\u00ae gets BTL certification"},"content":{"rendered":"The popular OJ GreenZone\u00ae <\/sup>control system is now BTL certified, making it easier for you to comply with tender specifications \u2013 and giving you access to even more functions via the BACnet protocol.\r\n


Meet tender specifications with BTL certification<\/h3>\n

BTL certification is required in many tender materials these days, and with certification in place for the OJ GreenZone<\/a>\u00ae<\/sup>\u00a0system<\/a>, you can bid for \u2013 and win \u2013 more tenders than before.<\/p>\n

Trouble-free BACnet integration<\/h3>\n

OJ Electronics have always used the BACnet protocol, but the BTL certification process gives our usage the final seal of approval: it assures users and suppliers that the OJ GreenZone\u00ae<\/sup>\u00a0system has been independently tested for conformance to the BACnet standard in accordance with globally accepted test policies and definitions. So you can be sure of trouble-free BACnet integration.<\/p>\n

Even more functions available<\/h3>\n

The BTL certification process coincides with new software that makes even more functions accessible via the BACnet protocol. This makes it simpler than ever for users to optimise operation of their ventilation system in perfect interaction with the other installations in the building.<\/p>\n

BTL certification for OJ GreenZone\u00ae<\/sup>\u00a0in brief:<\/p>\n