{"id":2199,"date":"2019-04-15T14:31:24","date_gmt":"2019-04-15T14:31:24","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/ojelectronics.com\/hvac\/?p=2199"},"modified":"2024-04-26T10:36:20","modified_gmt":"2024-04-26T09:36:20","slug":"putting-the-future-in-your-hands","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/ojelectronics.com\/hvac\/news\/putting-the-future-in-your-hands\/","title":{"rendered":"Putting the future in your hands"},"content":{"rendered":"There\u2019s a new handheld user interface for the OJ Drive product range<\/strong>\r\nOJ Electronics has just launched an entirely new interface for the DV drive product range. Known as the OJ-DV-HMI-35T, this latest addition to the OJ family is a touchscreen panel with a user-friendly graphical user interface, specially developed for operating the OJ-DV range. It\u2019s made using the latest technology, making it fully ready for the future.

Designed with users in mind throughout<\/strong><\/h3>\n

\u2018We felt it was time to update our handheld interface for our Drive range, and as always we set out to do it properly. When designing the OJ-DV-HMI-35T, we focused on making it as user-friendly as possible. This holds true of the big stuff, like the decision to provide a large touchscreen, but also of the finer details like the structure of the menu. Users will find that it\u2019s very easy to navigate.\u2019<\/cite>
\nSays Preben Jessen, product manager at OJ Electronics.<\/p>\n

The current functions\/setting options include the following:<\/p>\n