OJ-Air2LON Modbus- to LON-converter

OJ Air2 LON Gateway is a RS485 Modbus- to LON-converter. It allows you to fully integrate the OJ Air2 system into any Building Management system, that communicates via Lon-Works protocol (FTT-10).

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Air2 Lon Gateway from OJ Electronics A/S

Optimised operationOJ Air2 LON Gateway

Communication with flexibility

OJ Air2 LON Gateway is a RS485 Modbus- to LON-converter. It allows you to fully integrate the OJ Air2 system into any Building Management system, that communicates via Lon-Works protocol (FTT-10).

  • Optimised operation
  • Plug & Play
  • Quick & Easy Integration
  • Direct Connection
  • Clear Alarm Messages
  • LEDs

Product Documents

Product Sheets
Product Sheet, OJ-Air2-LON, Danish
File type/size:PDF ( 987,28 kB )
Product Sheet, OJ-Air2-LON, English
File type/size:PDF ( 945,02 kB )
Instructions, OJ-Air2Lon, English
File type/size:PDF ( 264,74 kB )
Protocol, OJ-Air2-LON
File type/size:Zip ( 1,33 kB )
Protocol, OJ-Air2-LON
File type/size:Zip ( 2,87 kB )


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