EHP Humidity Controller

EHP is a series of controllers for regulating air humidity on the basis of a signal received from an air humidity transmitter.

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Documents FAQ

EHP Hygrostat from OJ Electronics A/S

EHPIndependent Transducer Location

The EHP controller is designed to provide our customers with an advantageous combination of high quality, precise control and low lifecycle costs.

EHP is a series of controllers for regulating air humidity on the basis of a signal received from an air humidity transmitter. The EHP series is ideal where a signal is required to an air humidifier/dehumidifier in order to raise or lower the existing level. The EHP takes up little space and is installed on a DIN-rail in an electrical panel together with other control devices.


Product Documents

Product Sheets
Instructions, EHP (DA, NO, SV, FI, EN, DE, FR)
File type/size:PDF ( 158,83 kB )
Product Sheet, EHP, Danish
File type/size:PDF ( 179,33 kB )
Product Sheet, EHP, English
File type/size:PDF ( 170,88 kB )
Product Sheet, EHP, German
File type/size:PDF ( 175,89 kB )
Product Catalogue, HVAC Controls and Drives, 2024, English
File type/size:PDF ( 4,23 MB )

Produkt FAQ

Should the LED be above or below setpoint?

If the rH% is below setpoint the LED is on, and connection between terminal 6 and 7.
No power to the relay or rH% above setpoint the LED is off, connection between terminal 5 and 7.


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