OJ-Air2-EC Energy Efficient EC Controller

Our EC Controller sets new standards for energy efficiency in the control of PM motors in ventilation systems, meeting the tougher requirements made by both the market and the authorities.

Bemerken: Auslaufprodukt


EC controller from OJ Electronics A/S

OJ Air2 ECEC Controller

Our EC Controller sets new standards for energy efficiency in the control of PM motors in ventilation systems, meeting the tougher requirements made by both the market and the authorities. This results in significant reductions in CO2 emissions and greatly improves the economy of your ventilation system.

*EC = Electronically Commutated

  • 2 x RJ12 sockets for Modbus and hand terminal connection
  • Designed specifically for air handling units and ventilation systems
  • Based on sensorless control and sinusiodal technology
  • Quiet and robust

Product Documents

Product Sheets
Product Sheet, EC-Controller, Danish
File type/size:PDF ( 2,41 MB )
Product Sheet, EC-Controller, English
File type/size:PDF ( 2,41 MB )
Product Sheet, EC-Controller, German
File type/size:PDF ( 2,42 MB )
Product Sheet, EC-Controller, Russian
File type/size:PDF ( 1,92 MB )
Instructions, EC-Controller (EN, DE, SV, NO, DA, RU)
File type/size:PDF ( 1,26 MB )
Product Information, 354A, OJ-EC drives in connection with fan-wall, English
File type/size:PDF ( 132,00 kB )


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