Career at OJ ElectronicsDo you have the
know-how we need?

This career site is the place to find job opportunities and different information about our company and the part of Denmark where we are situated.

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Curious to know what it means to be part of OJ Electronics? When you join OJ you also join the OJ-family and a melting-pot of both diversity of people, knowhow, and a shared passion for innovation.

Let’s get to know each other!

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What our colleagues
are saying

Being part of the OJ culture gets in our DNA and our way working everyday. We are passionate, creative, innovative – and we love to share with you!

“We have a good and strong company culture, and this is reflected in us employees being very committed and feeling a sense of ownership for our jobs. At the same time, the management team really focuses on informing us about our values so that everyone knows them and can work accordingly.”

Malene S. Olesen Sales Assistant at BITZER Electronics

“For me, job satisfaction goes hand in hand with good communication between colleagues and a mutual respect for each other’s work. Knowing that my colleagues are ready to let me run things by them when there are challenging tasks. I depend on good teamwork with my colleagues in order to solve my tasks, and I definitely have that here.”

Stefan Hansen Electronics Technician at BITZER Electronics

“It’s incredibly exciting. I travel a lot, and that makes a great change from everyday life. I manage our efforts to make a huge global setup run smoothly at OJ, and that’s enormously satisfying”

Michael Mortensen Strategic Purchasing Manager at BITZER Electronics

“Working at OJ is like working on a speedboat. You get to be the captain, the helmsman and the machinist. If you work on a super tanker, you may only get to do a small amount of the work that’s done on the ship. At OJ, we work in a really flexible and comprehensive way, and we aren’t locked into a specific area of expertise. Our working day is full of variety, which means we need to be able to handle a wide range of tasks.”

Jörn Petersen Software Engineer at BITZER Electronics

“I was positively surprised that my colleagues always have time for me. It was like “natural” for them to spend a lot of time with me in the beginning, to show and explain the different business operations and workflows, and how they are connected. Two weeks after I have started working at OJ, my colleagues invited me to a joint social activity, called “hyggeaften”. I felt that I was welcome. One of the most important aspects at OJ is that you can be yourself. I felt accepted from day one.”

Edina Nagy Jongschaap Supply Chain Analyst at BITZER Electronics