ETF-622 Temperature Sensor for Pipes

ETF is a temperature sensor designed for temperature control and monitoring in heating and cooling systems, and is suitable for pipe mounting (metal head).

Product regions: Europe, Asia & South America, Australasia & Africa

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ETF-622, Temperature Sensor for Pipes from OJ Electronics A/S

ETF-622All-purpose Temperature Sensors

ETF is a temperature sensor designed for temperature control and monitoring in heating and cooling systems, and is suitable for pipe mounting (metal head).

The ETF sensor provides optimum temperature control.

Product Documents

Product Catalogue 2024 Europe-Asia-South-America, English
File type/size:PDF ( 2.54 MB )
Product Catalogue 2024, Australasia / Africa, English
File type/size:PDF ( 2.41 MB )
Product Sheet, ETF, English
File type/size:PDF ( 224.79 KB )

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ETF-622, Temperature Sensor for Pipes from OJ Electronics A/S

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