ESF-35 Airflow Transducers

The ESF-35 is a series of electronic airflow transducers designed for measuring the air velocity of both natural and mechanical ventilation systems.

Notice: Discontinued product


EFS-35, Airflow Transducers from OJ Electronics A/S

ESF-35Easy and cost efficient

ESF-35 for Natural and Mechanical Airflow

The ESF-35 is a series of electronic airflow transducers designed for measuring the air velocity of both natural and mechanical ventilation systems, replacing mechanical transducers and pressure conversion. The ESF-35 series is engineered to make airflow measurement easy and cost efficient, yet more accurate, than the traditional solutions.

The ESF-35 has been developed to give our customers an advantageous combination of high quality, accurate control and low life cycle costs.

  • With integrated compensation for changes in air temperature
  • Accurate measurement under all circumstances

Product Documents

Product Sheets
Instructions, ESF-35 (SV, NO, DA, EN, DE, FR, PL)
File type/size:PDF ( 173.71 KB )
Product Sheet, ESF-35, Danish
File type/size:PDF ( 117.66 KB )
Product Sheet, ESF-35, English
File type/size:PDF ( 671.08 KB )
Product Sheet, ESF-35, German
File type/size:PDF ( 109.23 KB )


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