OJ focuses on customers and employees

  < 1 min read

By Brian Christensen, Sales Support Manager

After nearly one year as manager of Sales Support at OJ Electronics, I am still amazed by the enthusiasm and empathy when working with OJ colleagues. No matter where you are in the company, you meet devoted, motivated and dependable employees who daily contribute to today's and future energy-saving products.

As new employee, you are introduced to each department, which makes it easy to become part of the drive and energy in the company. The introduction period as new employee goes by faster than you know and suddenly one year has passed.

In Sales Support, we focus on customers and support all products – from the simplest to the most complex ones. In our department days are never the same. OJ regularly develop new products giving us the opportunity of increasing our knowledge and skills. After launch of new products, the customers turn to Sales Support for technical assistance – they rely on OJ support, and we guarantee accurate and prompt answers.

Joining AMO as management representative

In-house at OJ, the employees have the opportunity of making a difference. Such an opportunity opened up to me when being elected to our Working Environment Organisation (Danish abbreviation “AMO”) as a managerial representative.

As a new member of the AMO-team, I attended a well-planned seminar focusing on creating a good and healthy work environment for the employees in a company. The seminar also informed the story of AMO as well as laws and paragraphs under the AMO auspices. I successfully completed the seminar with an oral exam and got my diploma.

At AMO, my colleagues and I work on making OJ Electronics an even better workplace, giving well-being and safety top priority.

As an attendee of AMO, you help create a solid foundation and continuously work on a good and safe working environment at OJ Electronics. As a representative, you obtain a better insight into the challenges your co-workers face and thereby a better understanding of the expectations for observing deadlines.
My leadership skills are refined and I can make a difference for the employees.

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