AHC-3000-HMI-35TNo secrets
AHC-3000-HMI-35T is a user-friendly control panel for installation within an air handling unit or on the wall in a room. The panel is used together with an OJ-Air AHC-3000 control.
AHC-3000-HMI-35T has been developed by interaction designers, resulting in easy and intuitive operation. The menus are logical, easy to navigate and have easily recognisable symbols.
AHC-3000-HMI-35T is used for the commissioning and everyday operation of the air handling unit and in connection with service. All system values can be seen while the settings are password protected.
Intuitive touch operation
Want to change the temperature setting? Then simply tap the temperature shown on the screen and enter the new setpoint. It has never been easier, and the entire menu system is designed according to the same principle.
No secrets
All values are visible to everyone, and a complete overview of system operation is provided for users in clear displays. Settings which are only of relevance for installers and service technicians are, however, password protected.
Simple installation
AHC-3000-HMI-35T is connected to the OJ Air AHC 3000 via Quick Plug™ Modbus, eliminating time-consuming installation faults and troubleshooting. The software is automatically updated to the latest AHC-3000 version. You therefore always have the right version in stock, because there is only one.
- OJ Air AHC-3000 compatible
- Intuitive user interface
- 3.5” colour touchscreen
- Countersunk wall mounting
- QuickPlug™ installation

for you
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