VCH-1212-P Ventilation Controllers 230V

Typically used in building projects, such as blocks of flats, where it controls air exhausts.

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VCH-1212 Ventilation Controller from OJ Electronics A/S

VCH-1212-PSimple setup

The 230V ventilation controller with BMS, is named VCH 1212-P. This VCH variant is typically used in building projects, such as blocks of flats, where it controls air exhausts.

VCH 1212-P is ideal for e.g. incorporating into rooftop fans and it matches the OJ-DV range of drives. The VCH allows for operation at different speeds, e.g. for night and override mode.

For the VCH-1212-P model, which is used in conjunction with the pressure transmitter of your choice, you can even get Modbus connectivity for optimum accuracy – and access to a range of BMS functions, including status readouts and alarms.

Simple setup

The ventilation controllers allow you to handle the entire set-up process via a user-friendly menu. Things couldn’t be simpler – and you get to choose between several options when setting the pressure range.

Meet Ecodesign regulations – save energy

The Ecodesign regulations impose strict requirements for energy-efficient equipment and applications, and the VCH ventilation controllers help you meet those demands. They ensure major energy savings by instantly adapting motor/system performance in response to pressure transmitter input: getting exactly the right pressure translates into system savings. Filter monitoring also helps conserve power: it ensures that dirty filters are replaced before pressure drops lead to excessive energy waste.

The 230V Ventilation Controllers are ideal for:

  • Apartment block ventilation:
    The VCH unit controls any 10V motor to ensure constant air pressure in the ducts.

Product Documents

Brochure, OJ-Air-Pressure, English
File type/size:PDF ( 2.32 MB )
Product Catalogue EU, HVAC Controls and Drives, 2025, English
File type/size:PDF ( 2.81 MB )
Product Catalogue USA/Canada, HVAC Controls and Drives, 2025, English
File type/size:PDF ( 885.08 KB )
Instructions, VCH-1212-P (EN, DE, FR)
File type/size:PDF ( 280.79 KB )
Protocol-Modbus, VCH-1212-P, English
File type/size:PDF ( 160.19 KB )
VCH-1212 Ventilation Controller from OJ Electronics A/S

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